Neighborhood Meeting - Minutes
Thursday, August 24th 5:30 to 6:45 PM
Meeting opened in prayer and we ate Donated Domino’s Pizza!
Introductions – No new faces.
Reviewed of Prior Meeting topics
Panama Park Youth Service –CEO Willie Green said if you have any questions, call the office in the day time, or the boy’s home in the evenings. Office: (904) 527 – 3953 Boy’s Home: (904) 619-8927
Call JSO: (904) 630-0500
Write JSO: 501 E. Bay Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202
Report to JSO online:
Listed items to present to Reggie Gaffney (City Council Representation)
Sidewalks that need to be added to or repaired are listed on our Face Book page: PanamaParkNeighbors
These will be turned into our councilman this month.
We listed ideas for improving the park (below) which will also be send to him this month.
A full time employee on the premises who will plan activities for the children and keep the park used for the right reasons. We listed many activity suggestions.
More picnic tables / benches etc
Bathrooms cleaned and fixed (and maintained)
New basketball goals / Volleyball Court
3rd Panama Park Come Together – Date set for June 2nd, 2018 (first Sat. after school)
We need volunteers to help in the areas of marketing, financial, food, activities, equipment, permitting, and planning a program that will be fun and make it easy to meet all our neighbors. Please notify Roxie (cell: 904-515-7944) or Tom (904-899-2352)
Neighborhood Meetings are now to be every other month Next Month’s Meeting Aug. 24th
Announcements and Upcoming Events
Please sign up for – we have over 100 Panama Park neighbors connected. To Join, visit:
Sherriff’s Watch Meetings 7:00 PM Third Thursdays (Sept. 21st) Carolina Apartments.
Next Month’s Meeting Oct. 26th (trying to secure the Senior Citizen Center)