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PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
March 23, 2023  


PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Feb 23, 2023  5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center

(We thank both Willie and Diane for staying late to keep the lights on for us)


5:30 - We had 6 neighbors attending and bringing Breakfast on a Biscuit.  5:45 - Roxie opened the meeting with prayer

5:55 - Introductions included a new neighbor.  Each one shared a favorite valentines gift. 


6:05 - Minutes from the last meeting - Agnes moved we accept, Rob seconded and all were in favor of accepting the meeting notes. 


6:10 –  Roxie gave an update on the Community Garden proposal – the Parks Dpt. came out to look at the lot and just need to do some more approvals, but have promised water, electricity, and the use of the fence and signage.  

The appeal was made for people to go see other community gardens and Agnes offered to join. 

The appeal was made for help in spreading the word and Agnes offered to make calls asking for donations.  Anyone interested also helping with the community garden organizing, planning and promoting, can call Roxie (904) 515-7944.


6:30 – Neighbor Iris came to promote a candidate for City Council District 10.  Kim Stephens Perry.  She shared what she likes about Ms. Perry and why we could vote for her.  There are 6 others also running for our councilman for our new district in which we live.  Be sure to check them all out so you can vote knowledgeably on March 21st right here where we meet for our meetings.  


6:40 We discussed how it will take many calls to the city  630City  when you see something (like the huge hole in Lawton, the uncut grass on 50th, and dumping of tires).  Also call JEA for the lights out along the cemetery.  Please, everyone call and the more calls, the more quickly they will act.   
WE will try again for a park and Buffalo clean up on March 4, 2023.


6:50 – Close Meeting - Roxie



Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Park Clean Up - March 4th Meet at the park at 9:00 AM and go from there.  

  • CPAC meeting - Thurs. Mar. 9,  6PM Lincoln Villa Sr. Center, 7866 New Kings Rd.

  • Sheriff’s Watch – Thurs. Mar.16 , 7PM as the Caroline Oaks Apt. 5175 Main. St.  

  • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Thurs. March 23 - Pot Luck (4th Thursday)




Highlights (posted for just one month on home page of web site)

PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023

Pot Luck

Minutes approved (click on button below to read past meeting notes)

Community Garden update:  We met with the city about our community garden on Feb. 8 and they agreed to help with many things including water and electricity.  We are waiting for final approval.


In the meantime, anyone interested in helping with the community garden organizing, planning and promoting, can call Roxie (904) 515-7944.


A representative for another candidate for City Council came and spoke to us about Kim Stephens Perry.  Please remember to vote March 21. 


Call 630-City or use the city MyCity app to report blight or road needs.    


Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Park Clean Up - March 4th Meet at the park at 9:00 AM and go from there.  

  • CPAC meeting - Thurs. Mar. 9,  6PM Lincoln Villa Sr. Center, 7866 New Kings Rd.

  • Sheriff’s Watch – Thurs. Mar.16 , 7PM as the Caroline Oaks Apt. 5175 Main. St.  

  • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Thurs. March 23 - Pot Luck (4th Thursday)

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