Panama Park Neighborhood Meeting – Jan. 19, 2017
Complimentary Chicken Wings - Donated by Hip Hop
6610 Main St N, Jacksonville, FL 32208 Street (904) 766-7272
Thanks to: Miss Hicks – Director of the Senior Citizen Center
Attendance: Gary King, Michael and Shavali Lansford, A. L. King Jr., Jay Brinson, Tom and Roxie McLeod, William Otero (who won the prize for bringing the most neighbors with him), Jerri Vollick
Tom McLeod - Opened our meeting with prayer and asked blessing on the food.
Introductions including something that we have done to help improve our neighborhood.
The above listed in attendance introduced themselves and shared many things from cleaning up the park to Christmas caroling as things done to help improve our neighborhood.
There was a discussion of some of the things this neighborhood used to have that were good and a suggestion was made that “hope” needs to be restored.
Discussion moved toward things that we as a group could focus on for improvement. Most of the discussion centered on ways to improve the park and how to make things safer for the children in the neighborhood.
Organized Park activities and leagues
Sidewalks, bike routs
fishing at the river
Start some cottage industries with training
Go beyond just the park with trash clean up and wear Panama Park shirts or shirts advertising local businesses
Curfew for the children
funds for improvements could come from those who have lived here like Farrah
Grants for people to fix up homes and knowledge of such help in a Resource Center (perhaps on App)
In our next meeting we will narrow it down to just 2 or 3.
Before next meeting we will all agree to:
Do at least two things (like report something suspicious, report some blight, or pick up some litter). JSO non-emergency phone number: (904) 630-0500
Attract five neighbors to come with you to the next meeting.
William Otero - Closed our meeting with prayer.
Next Meeting Feb. 16 and our Next, Next Meeting is March 16 – third Thursday.