PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2024
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
5:30 – 8 Neighbors were in attendance and ate potluck together.
6:00 – Meeting opened by Roxie McLeod Introductions: Each shared Summer Plans
6:02 - Minutes from the last meeting (Moved_ Agnes Seconded: __Rob_ Accepted: __YES___ )
6:05 –Community Garden – Committee Report
Garden Work-Days May 4 and May 18 - 9:00 AM to 11:00 - build up potato boxes and clear fence.
Agnes and Bill reported on the tour at Compost Jax
Water meter is getting closer - next steps were made.
Fence finished! We voted to keep it locked with combination lock number give to those who will work in it.
Electricity Parks Dpt. will wait till the water is taken care of.
Need back up riding lawn mower – better yet, one donated - suggested to post on FB need for a donation.
Spread the word! – flyers.
Master Gardener to teach workshops and applying for master gardener volunteers. Vote to approve the request letter.
Gate Locking and vote on it. Decided to give code to those who will work in the garden. Suggestion to keep open morning hours in the summer. or to take shifts.
Little lending Library - ideas were shared, all in agreement to put one up.
6:23 – New Business:
Jazz Festival is this weekend, Memorial Day Events also, and Dog adoption.
55 Gallon barrels available due to construction on Buffalo
Roxie will send a letter to Councilwoman Pittman regarding other two RR crossings still rough.
6:40 – Old Business:
Media Volunteer Needed: Garden Gab, Spot Light / Memory Lane (invite some from the fb pg. – try to find some who still live here.)
Everyone walked over to the garden and picked some veggies and took pictures of the fence to send a thank you to our Councilwoman Pittman and the Parks Dept.
6:45 - Close meeting with the announcements below…
● Our Website: www.panamapark.net Police (904) 630-0500 One call 630-CITY (2489)
● Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
● Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors
● NW CPAC meeting June 13 , 6:00pm Legends Center, 5130 Soutel Dr.
● Next Sheriff’s Watch - June 18 at 6:00PM SIAA Building 210 W. 7th Street.
● Next Month’s PPNA Meeting is June 27 (4th Thursday) Bring a neighbor!
6:55 Meeting was adjourned.
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Zucchini Bread with peanut butter - yumm!
What is a Little Lending Library?
Tour of the Community Garden to see the new fence yielded veggies to take home!