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May 26, 2022  

Thursday, May 26, 2022 5:30 - 6:45 PM Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center (Special thanks to Willie stay ing late!)


Attendance : 17 neighbors in total


5:30 - Pot Luck Dinner

5:45 - Opening - Roxie opened the meeting and asked for introductions.                                             Many had family graduating family members this year .

We found that Councilman Garrett Dennis was with us along with his guest Taryn Roberts. Councilman was invited to speak and he shared how he has been District 9 City Councilman and now will be running for FL State Senate.
Neighbor Bart asked him about the Stadium and our foot ball team .         Neighbor Reggie asked about the JEA power plant.                                  Councilman Dennis had to leave early to attend another graduation.


6 :10 -  - Minutes from the last meeting - JW moderated and the meeting minutes from April 28 were accepted with no discussion.              Motion to accept was by Bart and seconded by Mary.


6:15 - Plans for Park Clean Up. June 4 - 9:00 A M


Roxie, Rob, Angela, Mary and JW signed up to help and all say yes to staying

after-words to help hand out flyers.


6 :20 - Plans for Come Together - June 4 Sponsors and Budget -

 Thank you notes - Aggie volunteered to help write them Flyers - all chose to have a section they are responsible for William will cover East Side of Buffalo between north side of 601 street and Virginia all the way to the factories.           
Reggie will cover South side of 601h Street to 57th Street from East


side of Buffalo to the factories.
Rob and Angela will cover the North side of Lawton all the way to the river between the West side of Buffalo to main stre
David and JW will cover the west side of Buffalo between 651h ,  641h  street and all of 63rct street, both sides.

Signs - take some,  Map, Volunteer List, Blankets, food sliced and baked


6:45 - Announcements and Upcoming Events

Our  Website:

Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaPark Neighbors

Sheriff's Watch Meeting Now meet on WebEx and Carolina appts.Northwest CPAC Meeting Meet every second Thursday evening.

Next Month's PPNA Meeting June 23 - Pot Luck


6:50 - Close Meeting

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