Sept. 22, 2022
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Sept.22, 2022 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
5:30 - We had 12 neighbors share chicken salad sandwiches and pizza.
5:45 - Roxie opened the meeting
5:55 - Introductions including sharing what they love about Fall (today was the first day of Fall).
6:00 - Minutes from the last meeting - Rob moved we accept them, James Eddy seconded and all were in favor.
6:05 – Good News - Joseph has offered a lot of land for our neighborhood garden.
6:10 - Community Garden Ideas were discussed and a committee formed.
1. We need to investigate how other community gardens are organized: Edward Waters, Oceanway, Willow Park, and Johnson Family YMCA Gardens, JAX Permaculture.
2. We discussed that there would not be a parking problem if we used Joseph's lot of land because he owns other plots near by with parking space. However, the shade may make it hard to grow many things. It was suggested that we ask the city if we can use the North East corner of Panama Park where the shuffle board used to be located.
3. A committee of Amazing Grace, Roxie McLeod, and Joseph Hssein. They will investigate this other land option and report back next moth at the Panama Park Neighborhood Meeting.
​4. Other suggestions were to have chickens, have children volunteer to work at the garden, create a neighborhood recipe book.
6:15– Special Guest - Kara Ramesar, Community Health Worker for "Community Connect" shared how many recourses are available to any of our neighbors who is pregnant or with children 3 and under. She was clear that it is all free and provided by the State. She explained how we can call her if we see any neighbors in need. (904) 801-3350.
6:55 - Announcements and Upcoming Events
Our Website:
Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at
Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors
Sheriff’s Watch Meeting - Carolina appts. 7:00 PM Oct. 20.
Northwest CPAC Meeting Meet every second Thursday evening.
New Crisis Line – “988”
Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Oct. 27th - Pot Luck (4th Thursday)
6:55 – Close Meeting
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022
Guest Speaker from “Community Connect” - Kara Ramesar shared how there are resources available with families with small children – from pregnancy to 3 years old.
We also discussed more on the Community Garden. There were several good ideas, including the need to check into a new location. A Committee was formed. If you are interested, please contact us or come to the next neighborhood meeting Thursday, Oct. 27th.