PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
March 23, 2023
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 23, 2023 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
(We thank both Willie and his wife for staying late to keep the lights on for us)
5:30 - We had 8 neighbors attending and bringing our Pot Luck dinner.
5:45 - Roxie opened the meeting with prayer
6:05 - Minutes from the last meeting - Mary moved we accept, Rob and Angela seconded, and all were in favor of accepting the meeting notes.
6:10 – Roxie read the latest correspondence from the Parks Dept. Director, Daryl Joseph. He said that the new playground will be end this summer and that the lighting project is still in the planning stages. He said nothing about the community garden, except that they have had low staff to work on it. Mrs. Walker suggested we use “Earl’s Garden” who is on Dyal St. and Florida Ave. and he has free vegetable plants. He gives free plants at 4:00 PM everyday. (904) 356-5042. Bill Coughenour has already gotten some plants from Earl. We will keep this information for our community garden. We are all reminded to spread the word so that interested people will be ready to volunteer and give supplies or support when the time comes.
Anyone interested also helping with the community garden organizing, planning and promoting, can call Roxie (904) 515-7944.
6:25 – All those in attendance discussed and voted to accept the meeting sign design with once addition suggested by Angela. These signs will be ordered this month with the left over money from the last event in the park that we had.
6:30 – Mary asked about our next Panama Park Come Together – We will start having block parties instead. This will require one person from that street to head it up with the help of the neighborhood association and the supplies that they have like pop corn machine and movie screen. Please contact Roxie if anyone would like to start planning a block party for your street. If you want to do it for the 4th of July it isn’t too early to start planning.
6:35 – Our next Park clean up will be April the 1st.
6:40 – All present voted to have their names included in a letter to the city regarding our hole on Lawton. The letter will be written and emailed and posted to the Works dept. with a copy to our counsel woman.
6:45 – the meeting ended with everyone working together on a recycle project to save money for the association meeting signs.
6:50 – Our neighbor, Lindsay Joyner is starting to teach piano. Please call her if interested at: 904-434-4968 or email her at yasdnil428@yahoo.com
Announcements and Upcoming Events
Our Website: www.panamapark.net
Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors
Park Clean Up – April 1st Meet at the park at 9:00 AM and go from there.
CPAC meeting - Thurs. April 13, 6 PM Lincoln Villa Sr. Center, 7866 New Kings Rd.
Sheriff’s Watch – Thurs. April 20, 7 PM as the Caroline Oaks Apt. 5175 Main. St.
Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Thurs. April 27 - Pot Luck (4th Thursday)
Highlights of March 23, 2023
So glad to see and share a pot luck dinner with some new and old members of our neighborhood association.
This was a birthday month where many celebrated birthdays, including Willie Walker who is so faithful to have the center clean and open for us each month.
We voted on:
Last month’s meeting notes
A letter to the city Works Dpt. regarding Lawton Ave.
A letter to the city Parks Dpt. for work about our community garden.
To order new signs to announce our meetings.
Resources were shared regarding piano and plants. Be sure to read the detailed notes by clicking on the button below and attend next month’s meeting (April 27th) so you don’t miss out!