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August 26, 2021

PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021   5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center

(Special thanks to Dianne Weaver for keeping it open for us)


5:30 - Attendance was a total of 9 neighbors. 


5:45 - While eating Pizza provided by the McLeods, we introduced ourselves including 5 new neighbors to these meetings.


6:30 – Explanation of the Association - social media and things we have accomplished over the years like events, sidewalk repairs, park clean up and increased police presence.   


Signs - if you have a sign to put out for us each month three days before the meetings, please put it inside your yard to keep within city code.  


Meeting Space - 

  • We thank the Parks Dept. for letting us use the 

Senior Citizen Center for free, but we need to keep our eyes open for other options.  

    - We missed the purchase of the old Masonic Lodge on Buffalo Av. by just one day.  It would have been able to house not only meeting space, but room for classes on cooking, sewing, a bike shop, thrift store and storage for all the needs for our Street Lights.


Street Lights - designated neighbors to be the eyes and ears for out neighborhood bringing concerns and needs to the association which can collectively be met.  Need a committee to set the guidelines and job description for Street Lights.  We would need aprox. 70 street lights. 


Come Together  - Explained past events and asked for volunteers to help plan the next one.  No one volunteered.  Next meeting a date needs to be set and a committee formed to plan it.

6:40 - Suggestions and Ideas shared by those present. 

Yvonne Jones suggested that all participate in calling in any blights to the city, especially overflowing dumpsters, specifically the one on 61st street. We all agreed that to report online is much more efficient and a record of it is kept.  There is also an app for blight in our city. Report illegal dumping on private or public property online at or by calling 630-CITY (630-2489). 

Damien Cary asked if it would be possible for us to have a Trunk or Treat at the Park for October.  Roxie said she would check to see if the park was free and find a good date for this event.  She will report back to Damien on her findings and see if he can help plan the event.  

Angela Forest said that the pot luck dinner is a big reason she likes these meetings and asked if that can continue.  


6:45 - Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighborhood @PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Sheriff’s Watch Meeting (Carolina Oaks 5175 North Main St)  Feb. 20 7:00 pm

  • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting September 23  - POT LUCK


6:50 - Meeting closed with prayer by Yvonne Jones. 

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