PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes (approved 9-22-22)
Thursday, Aug 25, 2022 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
5:30 - We had 13 neighbors share pizza and other goodies.
5:45 - David opened our meeting
5:55 - Introductions including sharing gardening tips from everyone.
6:00 - Minutes from the last meeting - Tom moved we approve, Rob Seconded and all were in favor.
6:05 – Good News - Joseph has offered a lot of land for our neighborhood garden.
6:15– Special Guest - Gloria McNair will shared about Groundwork JAX who are working hard to not only extend the S line (emerald trail) into many more neighborhoods, but also work with neighborhoods for community engagement.
6:25 – Special Guest – Beth Marlow from UF Extension Office is the urban garden coordinator and shared that she will be available to us each step of the way as we create a successful community garden. She was very encouraging and said we were on the right path with planning first! See Addendum to see details and what we learned from her.
6:55 - Announcements and Upcoming Events
Our Website: www.panamapark.net
Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors
Sheriff’s Watch Meeting - Carolina appts. 7:00 PM Sept. 15.
Northwest CPAC Meeting Meet every second Thursday evening.
New Crisis Line – “988”
Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Sept. 22 - Pot Luck (4th Thursday)
6:55 – Close Meeting
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Aug 25, 2022
(Word Search – Garden Theme)
After a pot-luck including beans and applesauce we welcomed 2 guests.
Things are looking peachy in Panama Park now that there is the possibility of a Community Garden! Our whole meeting was dedicated to gleaning knowledge from our two guests who spoke of potential, benefits, and how-to’s. There was an emphasis on gathering neighbor’s ideas and views before breaking ground.
Be sure to turnup at our next meeting September 22nd to share your hopes and ideas for Panama Park’s Community Garden.
(How many Garden-y words did you find?)