July 25, 2019
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 25, 2019 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
Welcome and introductions - We had Joseph’s Pizza!
June meeting minutes approved – Motion by Mary, Seconded by JW and all were in favor.
Robert’s Rules of Order – JW reported that the class was full and we decided to have a training on our own in our next meeting.
Trash – Our next Clean up will be on Aug. 17th at 8:00 AM at our park. Roxie will bring Donuts and coffee donated by America’s Donuts (Geof is the director)
The app for blight is: MY JAX
Call: 630-CITY
Go online at http://630city.coj.net/
Email: 630CITY@coj.net
A Fish Fry - Discussion of ways to get the grant – fish fry money raiser. JW will check with the pharmacy and Roxie will check with Councilman, fish place, and Unity church.
We will also try to have a guest from the Public Works Dept.
Meeting was closed in prayer by Roxie McLeod
Announcements and Upcoming Events
Aug 22 - Next Month’s PPNA Meeting same time and local, Potluck
Aug. 15 6-8PM – Parliamentary Procedure: Robert’s Rules training - Ed Ball Building
Aug. 17 at 8:00 AM - Park clean up – meet at Panama Park
Our Website: www.panamapark.net
Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighborhood @PanamaParkNeighbors
CPAC meetings are normally every second Thursday, but not in July – next one will be August 8 - Legends Center, Community, Soutel Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32208.
Sheriff’s Watch Meeting (Carolina Oaks 5175 North Main St) Aug. 22 (7:00 PM)
July 25 Meeting Highlights
We ate Joseph's Pizza and caught up with each other.
August 17 is our Park Clean up! Please meet at the park at 8:00 AM .
We will have coffee and donuts.
Discussion of ways to get the grant – fish fry money raiser. JW will check with the pharmacy and Roxie will check with Councilman, fish place, and Unity church.
Discussion of movie in the park, Roxie will check with Parks dpt. To see if they can.
August 22 is our next meeting! We will have some tips on Robert's Rules of Order.
We will also try to have a guest from the Public Works Dept.