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PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2023  


PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 27, 2023, 5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center


5:30 - We had 12 neighbors at our meeting this month sharing a pot-luck dinner.

5:45 - Roxie opened the meeting and we read last month’s meeting minutes.
Tom moved that we accept, Agnes seconded, and all were in favor of accepting the meeting notes. 

5:55 - Repot on Park Clean up last month. 7 people came.

5:56 -  Announcement: Rezoning of 50th Street for some veteran housing.  

6:00 –Many neighbors noticed the new signs. We had volunteers to put one in their yard.   


6:05 – Community Garden – Approved! City Parks have approved our request for land!

There was discussion about details and next steps regarding the garden. There were sign up sheets to find out what parts each would like to play.  It was suggested by Tom that we form a committee to start working on details of the next steps.  Roxie will be connecting with each one based on interests and help from a committee before our next meeting in May. 

6:20 –  Panama Park Neighborhood Association Mission and Vision - We discussed the first draft and there was agreement, but we will post it for others to see as well before voting to accept it.  

Mission Statement:“Cultivating a flourishing neighborhood by leveraging our resources to build a safe, resilient and inclusive community and promote neighborhood pride.”


6:25 - Block Parties and Annual Come Together discussion. 

Roxie shared that block parties would be better to accomplish neighbors getting to know eachother better.  There was a discussion and many wanted to still do the Annual Come Together at the park. The Annual gathering at the park will be a possibility if there is a committee formed with those interested in planning it. Reginald Ford signed up to be on this committee.  We need more neighbors to volunteer on the Come Together Planning Team.   


Block Parties allow closer neighbors to hear each other's stories. It would be more closed to just those on one or two streets. There was a sign up sheet for those who will be willing to help plan one for their street.  Please let Roxie McLeod know if you would like help with planning your own block party. 

Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:           Police (904)  630-0500

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Northwest CPAC meeting May 10, 6:00pm Lincoln Villa Senior Center, 7866 New Kings Rd

  • Sheriff’s Watch – Turs. May 17, 7PM as the Caroline Oaks Apt. 5175 Main. St. 

  • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting is May 25 - Pot Luck (4th Thursday)


Meeting Highlights

Twelve neighbors were able to hear in person the good news that the city has given us the land use in the corner of Panama Park for our community garden!  


There is a need for neighbors to step up and help with:

  • The Community Garden Planning Committee 

  • The Annual Neighborhood Come together

  • Block Parties for your street  

  • Putting a sign in your front yard for our meetings.

If you would like to be a part of any of these, please contact us or fill out the form below.   

The first draft of the Panama Park Neighborhood Association Mission Statement:“Cultivating a flourishing neighborhood by leveraging our resources to build a safe, resilient and inclusive community and promote neighborhood pride.”

©2018 by Panama Park Neighborhood Association. Proudly created with

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