PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
June 29, 2023
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 29, 2023, 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
Panama Park meeting notes
June 29, 2023
Pot Luck at 5:30 included Pizza, Hot Dogs, and Oreos!
Roxie asked the room if it was ok to have a blessing over the food. Group had no objection. Tom gave the blessing.
5:55 pm Meeting was called to order by Roxie.
Meeting was attended by 10 people.
6:00 pm Introduction of each person and they stated what they were going to do for the 4th of July.
6:04 pm Tom makes a motion to approve minutes as written. Agnus seconds. Minutes approved.
6:05 pm Roxie introduces our guest from the City Neighborhoods Dept. Michelle Godwin and Edwina Henry.
They covered many topics but the main one was our CPACS, how they operate and how you could join.
Tom was also recognized for the Comminiuniversity program that he took part in. This program is put on by the city of Jacksonville.
The next topic was the community awards the city gives out. The deadline for applying is July 6, 2023. James and Roxie have volunteered to complete the forms.
6:39 pm Reggie reported on donations he is trying to get from Lowe’s to be used in the new garden area. Some of the items he has asked for is fencing and a rototiller. Right now they have many requests. We will try every month.
This was a follow up to the garden meeting that took part before the general meeting. This was a summary from this committee.
Next Garden Meeting: July 27 5:00 PM. Next Work Day July 8 at 8:00 AM till too hot!
6:50 Roxie covered meet your neighbor day. This is a national event that takes place on September 28. We will work toward encouraging “Meet Your Neighbor Day” with more discussion next meeting July 27
7:00 Motion was called to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and the full body agreed.
6:45 - Close meeting with the announcements below…
Our Website: www.panamapark.net Police (904) 630-0500
Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors
Northwest CPAC meeting July 13, 6:00pm Lincoln Villa Senior Center, 7866 New Kings Rd
Sheriff’s Watch – Turs. July 20, 7PM as the Caroline Oaks Apt. 5175 Main. St.
Next Month’s PPNA Meeting is July 27 - Pot Luck (4th Thursday)
Highlights June 29, 2023
Happy 4th of July!!! We celebrated with Hotdogs n Oreos!
Guests: Michelle Godwin and Edwina Henry from the City Neighborhoods Department.
Report: From the Garden Planning Team – next meeting is July 27 at 5:00 PM (just before our monthly neighborhood association meeting).
Our Panama Park Neighborhood Association will be applying to enter the City’s Neighborhood Awards Competition.
Next Meeting is July 27,
Next Garden Work Day is in the park
Saturday, July 8 at 8:00 AM till we get too hot!