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February 24, 2022  

PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 24, 2022    5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center (Special thanks to Diane for keeping the light on!)


Attendance: 19 neighbors total


5:30 – Congratulations to Rob and Angela who walked to the meeting and invited neighbors as they passed.  Three (3) new neighbors attended the meeting because of this simple, but effective neighborly act. 

5:45 – Opening - Roxie McLeod opened the meeting with a blessing for the food (which was pot-luck and included pizza, wings, and sticky rice n beans as well as a relish plate and apples sauce).
5:50 - Introduction of all present (all shared a kind act done by their neighbors or that they did for their neighbors.)

6:00 - Minutes from the last meeting – our parliamentarian, JW Lass was present to officially have us vote to accept the meeting notes from November.      

6:05 – Guest Speaker, Kimberly Scott - MPA-Candidate/City Council District 7.  There will be a primary election on Aug. 23rd.  Miss Scott shared how she grew up here and is now retired after 32 years serving our city.  She is very aware of how to get bills through the council process and wants to be our advocate.  There were many good questions and Miss Scott was able to knowledgeably answer and give advice.  One was for neighbors to call DART (904) 630-2489 when we are concerned about drugs in our neighborhood. 

6:30 – Future Guest Speaker Ideas were shared: 
Suggested names: a rep from the neighborhood city department and Nick Howland. 

6:35 – Discuss and Plan next park clean-up.  There was a discussion that Mr. Taylor brought up, that there be different people assigned to work on their own streets for cleanup.  All agreed to do this, thank you Mr. Taylor for bringing this up.  We will also arrange a time to all meet to clean our own park or around the center where we meet.  TBA.

6:40 – Request for anyone interested in attending the CPAC Meetings contact Roxie McLeod.  No one attending spoke up.

6:42 – Announcement that the city will start Recycle in April.


6:45 - Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Sheriff’s Watch Meeting Now meet on WebEx

  • Northwest CPAC Meeting Meet every second Thursday evening.

  • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting March 24 - Pot Luck


6:50 – Close Meeting – Roxie McLeod closed us in prayer.

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