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November 21, 2019    

PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Nov. 21, 2019   5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center

Thanks to the McLeods for the Pizza and Cookies!


PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Nov. 21, 2019   5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center

Thanks to the McLeods for the Pizza and Cookies!


Welcome and introductions – 10 neighbors attended, including Councilman, Reggie Gaffney.


October meeting minutes approved – Motion by Kim and Seconded by Mary.


Report on the movie night Oct. 25th - Amazing Grace gave the report. Discussion of doing the movie more often if the city would help us or if our association could get the equipment. 


Report on Park Clean Up (October 26) - 8 neighbors came to clean and eat donuts donated by America’s Donuts.   


Councilman Reggie Gaffney spoke to us about his work – both non-profit as well as District 7 items.  He would like to help in any way he can should we do more frequent movie nights.  He is checking on the money designated to our park and the progress of our request for sidewalk repair.  He let us know other things that are being worked on and told us about the closing of Panama Youth Services, explaining that the owner of the building didn’t renew the lease to Panama Youth Services. Neighbors asked him other questions and he shared his own cell phone for us to use: (904) 255-5207.

Questions that came up were about abandoned houses, he said that we can text the address to him and he will send out city inspection. If the City can condemn the house, then action can be taken.

He was instrumental in getting a Winn Dixie to replace Publix at Gateway Shopping Center.

He said he is not behind the sell of JEA, but feel free to call him about that issue.

If we see illegal drug distribution call narcotics (904) 630-2163. 


Dive School Expansion – The CDA Technical Institute has expanded it’s training the other direction!  In addition to underwater training, it is now training line men to repair up in the air!! They have cleared a large area at the north end of Buffalo for this expansion.  Call them at (904) 766-7736 for further questions about the school or for enrolment. A neighbor asked that they put up more cameras to increase the security in that whole new area.  Roxie will call them. 


December’s Neighborhood Meeting – will be the third, not 4th Thursday.  It will be the 19th of December and we will all bring Christmas goodies to share.


Christmas Caroling at the McLeod’s Home December 20 – RSVP to get directions and timing.

Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:              Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Dec. 19 Bring Goodies to share.

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighborhood @PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Sheriff’s Watch Meeting (Carolina Oaks 5175 North Main St) no more this year 


Councilman Gaffney closed our meeting in prayer

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