PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2024
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Nov. 21, 5:30 - 6:15 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
5:30 - Sign in and EAT (please donate in jar to help cover clerical costs.)
5:35 - Open Meeting and Introductions and Read Mission and Vision Statement
(“You cannot simultaneously feel stress and gratitude at the same moment.” Ann VosKamp
Gyms of Gratitude - We wrote down 10 things you are grateful for and share one or two)
5:40 - Minutes from the last meeting (Moved: Agnes_ Seconded: ___Bill___ Accepted: _YES____ )
5:45 - Community Garden Committee
Workday this Sat. (painting Tool Shed, planting and weeding)
Next Workshop is Dec. 14. (Herbs)
Jerii attended this month’s Workshop.
Deck Progress and Pole for Signs - Contractor will start Dec. 9th
5:55 – New Business:
Traffic Calming speed bump information - if anyone is interested in pursuing this contact Roxie - No interest yet.
Activities- Events
Turkey give-away Cooper and Extrodinare Men this Saturday.
Friendgiving this Saturday afternoon
NOV 30, 2024 boat parade 6:30pm At St. Johns River
Next meeting will be the 3rd Thursday due to Christmas - Would you like to do a party? Yes - White Elephant Game - Everyone brings a wrapped gift, does not have to be worth much and can be a recycled gift from your house.
Bill has called all departments in the city regarding the cars parked on the sidewalk in front of car place on Main Street.
6:05 – Old Business:
letter sent to Councilwoman Pittman + 5 other Councilpersons. Re: Side walks - 50th street, Buffalo Sewer Work - there has been work,
Dogs - gone Dogs are gone!Action Date: 11/14/2024 16:24:31 Action Comments: Added Memo: On 11/14/24 at 10:20 I arrived at 722 Kenilworth St in regard to this issue. With assistance from Supervisor Gibson we were able to remove the injured stray dog and a mother dog and her six puppies. According to the caller these dogs have been nuisance dogs for a long time. Closing the issue. Animal Services Officer Action Status: A Action Status Date: 11/14/2024 16:24:31 Action Entered By: KJCooper #314 Action Entered Date: 11/14/2024 16:24:31 No.: A24-52040301
$12 was donated last month toward paper, printing, and supplies for meetings.
6:15 - Close meeting with the announcements below…
● Our Website: www.panamapark.net Police (904) 630-0500 One call 630-CITY (2489)
● Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
● Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors
● NW CPAC meeting Jan. 12 , 6:00pm Legends Center, 5130 Soutel Dr.
● Next Sheriff’s Watch - Jan. 9 at 6:00PM SIAA Building 210 W. 7th Street.
● Next Month’s PPNA Meeting is Dec. 19 (3rd Thursday) Bring a neighbor and a gift!
Small Group that led to great discussions around our pot luck dinner.
We were grateful for the progress we have seen on the matters that we took to the city last month. We also listed 10 things we were grateful for and shared them with each other.
“You cannot simultaneously feel stress and gratitude at the same moment.” Ann VosKamp