PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
Thank You for all who brought our Pot Luck Dinner!
Welcome and introductions – Shavali Lansford (17 people in attendance)
Last month’s meeting minutes approved
Trunk or Treat report – Well attended and Kudos to Cynthia Scott – her trunk decorations won first place. Extraordinaire Men of Jacksonville joined in with hot dogs and candy. Attended by 50 kids and parents of the neighborhood.
Sidewalk Repair Report - The train tracks and area near the Marina the city will not do due to feasibility and not enough houses to back it up. But a suggestion was presented in raising our own funds. The city will repair some areas we asked for. We will further contact our councilman on this matter.
Panama Park Come Together – Our 4th Come Together is May 18th, 2019.
Cynthia Scott listed and demonstrated some of the games that her team will have for the PPCT. Anyone wanting to bring children’s games or equipment or volunteer to man one of these games please contact Cynthia Scott. 703-5153. Suggestion for another business to participate is to invite the pregnancy crisis truck that used to come to our neighborhood. Check out where else you can help at www.panamapark.net Or, contact Roxie McLeod 515-7944 if you are interested in volunteering for our 4th annual PPCT. We still need coordinators for food, publicity, crowd control, set up/break down, and sponsorship.
Luminaries Christmas Eve – At our next meeting (moved up to Thursday December the 13th) we will assemble the bags. Shavali will make a flyer. Bill is bringing one bag (we still need more sand), Mary and Cynthia will bring candles (still, bring more if you have some) and Shavali will bring bags, (but bring some more if you have some).
Other Announcements: Turkey giveaways for Thanksgiving.
CPAC – You can register for the open enrollment classes about matching grant progress.
6:40 - Announcements and Upcoming Events
Our Website: www.panamapark.net
Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighborhood @ PanamaParkNeighbors
Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Dec. 13 (moved to second Thursday just for Dec. due to Christmas. January will be back to our normal 4th Thursday, the 24th.)