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PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018   5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center

Pot Luck:  Cheese Burger casserole, green beans, chocolate cake and donuts.


Welcome and blessing – Kim Lasseter


Introductions We were again graced with Cynthia Smith, running for School Board in District 4 – She is featured in Folio.  Be sure to get to the polls November 6th.  We also had three new neighbors in attendance.  

Last month’s meeting minutes approved  


Franklin – One of our new neighbors suggested an addition for our park area – to have a WiFi Access Point, including a Technology Center to strengthen our neighborhood. He will bring us more information about this in our next meeting.


Reports on CPAC meeting:  The Northwest District 5 City Planning Advisory Committee meeting was Oct. 11 and these items were passed on to our Panama Park Neighborhood:

  1. Please know that the last item on your voter’s ballot on November 6 will be a straw ballot (to determine if we should have a public vote before any sale of JEA (over 10%) is approved) A yes vote on this means you wish the public to vote and have a say on any future selling of JEA.

  2. If we want trees to be planted on any city property, then we can request them from the city.  Call Shavali Lansford (904) 609-8484 to put in a suggested request. 

  3. There are matching grants awarded to neighborhood associations from the city if we have a project that we need help with.  One suggestion was for our sidewalks if we can’t get the city to put them in.  Good idea.

Report on Sheriff’s Watch meeting: Five of our police officers were present at this meeting and reported that our crime rate for this neighborhood is dramatically down from previous months.  The JSO emphatically encourages citizens to call in suspicious things we see and want them to address, it makes a difference the more calls that come in. The “squeaky wheel absolutely gets the grease” when it comes to JSO attention and resources.    


Report on our sidewalks being repaired The Public Works Division of our city has responded to our requests for better sidewalks and have assigned to them to the “sidewalk repair backlog list”.  However, our requests for new sidewalks in some areas where denied. We are forming a committee on getting new sidewalks where there are none. A committee will be investigating what is needed in order to make our neighborhood safer and make public services like schools and transport more accessible to our neighbors. If you wish to serve on this committee, please contact  Roxie McLeod (904) 515-7944.


Panama Park Come Together – Our 4th Come Together is May 18th, 2019.

We will need to raise a larger budget than last year in sponsorships and donations of goods. We will also have a job fair featuring our local business, please help us make our local business aware of these opportunity’s.  Check out where you can help at Or, contact Roxie McLeod 515-7944 if you are interested in volunteering for our 4th annual PPCT.  Committees formed already are children’s activities and volunteer coordination. Still need coordinators for food, publicity, crowd control, set up/break down, and sponsorship.


Halloween – Bring your car with a trunk full of treats to the park at 4:30 PM on Oct.  Our Panama Park “Trunk or Treat” event will offer a safe alternative for our kids on Halloween. (Contact Shavali Lansford (904) 609-8484)


6:40 - Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighborhood @ PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Sheriff’s Watch Meeting (Nov. only at First Baptist) Nov. 15 (5:30 PM) 

  • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting Nov. 15 (moved to third Thursday just for Nov. due to Thanksgiving being on our normal fourth Thursday.)


6:45 - Close Meeting – Tom McLeod





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