PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023, 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
5:30 - Sign and EAT (We had 7 neighbors gather including one for the first time.)
5:45 - Open Meeting with prayer
5:46 – Community Garden – Committee Report
Next Garden Meeting will be at 5:00 PM right before our Nov. 30th meeting.
Next Work-day November 4th. (Clean up park, Build Compost Bins and lay cardboard for 4 rows).
Agnes will research more on the cardboard method. And will donate cardboard.
Bill will draw plans as to how to set up the rain catchment system (to be installed Dec. work day).
Nancy will be checking with 4H to invite a Master Gardner can come next meeting or work day.
City has not responded to our attempts to ask how the water permit and the drawing is coming.
Report on the Garden Club Community Garden Summit Oct. 24th - Many more gardens to learn from!
Be sure to ask around for Donations – letters to pass out and flyers.
6:00 - Introductions (Best Halloween Costume you ever wore)
6:05 - Minutes from the last meeting (Moved: Jan Seconded: Agnes Accepted: YES)
6:35 – Old Business:
October the 30, sit out on your porch and see if you can meet neighbors.
Stray Dogs Research: 1. Eliminate access to trash
2. Do not depend upon ACPS to get dogs unless sick or biting. Also they are full.
3. Catch and find owner - Take to Vet to see if chipped & Post on social media
4. Re-home (many services)
Trash on Main Street Bridge: Clean up and still asking city about trash cans.
6:40 – New Business?
Our next Meeting will be 5th, not 4th Thursday due to Thanksgiving.But in December, back to the 4th Thursday, Dec. 28th.
We need to be vigilant
as to who will be purchasing land such as the Dive School. We need to be sure the neighborhood association is kept aware of intended land use. -Roxie will research the intentions of the new buyers and check with the city on zoning. Also a sub committee will gather to look into the history of this land along the Trout River. That committee will be: Zoya, Agnes, William, Janice, Nancy, and Roxie.
The theft in houses, especially window units. Keep visible and outside, keep surveillance cameras because the police don’t do anything without proof, and get a dog.
6:45 - Close meeting with the announcements below…
Our Website: www.panamapark.net Police (904) 630-0500
Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at nextdoor.com
Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighbors @PanamaParkNeighbors
Northwest CPAC meeting Nov. 20, 6:00pm Lincoln Villa Senior Center, 7866 New Kings Rd
Sheriff’s Watch – SIAA, Tuesday Nov. 21st , 210 West 7th St. at 6:00 PM Zone 1.
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office is offering a FREE Basic Self-Defense course Nov. 14, 2023 at 6 p.m. Police Athletic League - please visit: https://www.jaxsheriff.org/Bizforms/Self-Defense.aspx -
Next Month’s PPNA Meeting is Nov. 30 - Pot Luck (5th Thursday)
Mission Statement: “Cultivating a flourishing neighborhood by leveraging our resources to build a safe, resilient and inclusive community and promote neighborhood pride.”
Vision Statement: “Uniting Panama Park Neighbors to produce a thriving community”.
Garden Meeting Notes:
Community Garden Meeting Minutes
Oct. 26, 2023
Look at past notes from previous meeting and approve it. - Bill moved to accept and Agnes seconded and all approved the meeting minutes from Sept. 28.
Next Garden Meeting will be at 5:00 PM right before our Nov. 30 meeting.
Work-day Nov. 7. We will clean up, start 3-4 Lasagna beds, and start the compost pile with pallets and maybe build the water catchment system. Get word out to people to bring pallets and cardboard. Roxie will contact JAX compost to bring us compost and chips.
1. Grant – half written. Agnes will help Roxie apply for this before due date of Dec. 11. 2023.
2. Garden Club of Jacksonville Was very interesting, so many community gardens to learn from.
3. December's Work day will be to build the water catchment system.
4. Getting the Word (neighbors, businesses, etc) - Letters of request were offered, as well as trifold brochures were offered for all to take.
5. have not yet contacted the It was suggested that we talk to the Extortionary men of Jacksonville to see how involved they would like to be in the garden.
5. City said could be 6 months to one year to get water meter in.
6. Dollar store can't donate, but will put the stuff on 90% off soon.
7. Bill will ask at Cedar place and JEA for possible tables. and research design for the water barrels.
8. Agnes will research the no till bed prep.
9. Roxie will arrange a tour of the Ed White farm-acy and tell Bill when.
10. We want to add a mud kitchen to our garden for the children. Near the water source.
Bill shared Don Joseph's number for the Community Garden on Pearl Street and 8th. 993-0391.
The 1st and 3rd Sat work days at Arlington Community Garden would be a good time to learn what they are doing.
Neighborhood Meeting Highlights:
Stay Alert!
We must be vigilant due to the crime and the land usage in our neighborhood. Stay outside and visible, use cameras, and ask around. Get to know your neighbors!
Nov 4 is our next Garden Work Day from 8:00 to 11:00. We will start some Compost Bins and some “No Till” beds. Please bring cardboard boxes and any extra pallets you may have lying around.
Nov. 30 is our next meeting (5th Thurs. Due to Thanksgiving).