Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2016 5:30 to 6:45 PM
Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center
Complimentary Hot Pizza - Donated by Domino’s Pizza
Miss Hicks – Director of the Senior Citizen Center made sure we had all we needed.
Open Discussion of things that could be a focused concern for our neighborhood association:
Kids out late night/curfew enforcement
Speeding on the streets (Esp. Buffalo)
Misuse of our city park (Panama Park)
Neighborhood safety – gun play
- App for phone and computer (neighborhood connections)
Street lighting and sidewalks
Litter and Blight
Drug traffic (particularly Heavy Drugs)
The need to inventory “good things” about the Neighborhood
Neighborhood Crime Watch
Park Staff & Parental involvement
Many suggestions were made to help remedy these things, but we tried to focus on the discussion of what to focus on instead of jumping to solutions. It was definitely decided that we need to focus on the good (neighborhood assets) as well as things that need improvement. Also, it was noted that 10 or 12 people does not make a neighborhood association, therefore we discussed ways to CONNECT and ATTRACT more neighbors for the next meeting.
Before next meeting we will all agree to:
Do at least two things (like report something suspicious, report some blight, or pick up some litter). JSO non-emergency phone number: (904) 630-0500
Attract five neighbors to come with you to the next meeting.
Elder Shider (Potter’s House) - Closed our meeting with prayer.
***Next Meeting: January 19, C.T. Joseph Senior Citizen Center 3:30-5:00PM***
Please bring to Next Meeting:
1. Five neighbors.
2. Two things you did to help improve our neighborhood.
Extra Credit:
1. Assessment of what our neighborhood strengths are
2. Top three focus areas for improvement