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MARCH 28, 2019

PP Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 28, 2019   5:30 - 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center

Thanks to our neighbors the Lass family for our chicken dinner.


Welcome and introductions – (12 neighbors attended)

          Special Guests: Amy Holliman – Neighborhood Coordinator for our city’s Neighborhood Services Office. And Dr. Sirretta Williams, assistant to Councilman Gaffney.


February meeting minutes approved – (Motion by Kim and seconded by Shavali.) 


Latest on Sidewalks -Roxie shared which streets now have a ticket and which ones we will re-submit because we have pictures and video showing the need for sidewalks on roads that they do not say constitutes a need. Dr. Williams said to send these items to her and she would send it to Public Works for us.  There was further discussion about the speeding and Amy Holliman suggested we get the traffic engineer for the city out (Chris Ledue) to watch the dangerous corners.  She said it is the same guy who will determine the sidewalk needs.  Dean suggested we have him come sit and watch Buffalo and 59th from 6:00 AM to 7:45 AM.   


Neighborhood Clean-up – Mattie reported on what we did on the 16th of March. And we set the next cleanup day for Wednesday, May 15th, from 5 to 7 PM.  Amy volunteered to pick up the  buckets and gloves and grabbers for us this time. We must all report the blight!

Call: 630-CITY

Go online at 


Use the app:

CPAC meetings - Amy Holliman – shared about CPAC Meetings (the next one for CPAC is Thursday, April 11.)  She is here to help neighborhoods communicate with the city and she gave ideas and explained some things to us.  She said that some neighborhoods are staring to buy up blight houses, fix them up and sell them to raise money for the neighborhood.  She said that Ernest Murphy is the zone enforcement and he attends the CPAC meetings.


Panama Park Come Together #4 will be May 18 – Mark your calendars and check out where you can help at Or, contact Shavali Lansford at 609-8484 or Roxie McLeod 515-7944 if you are interested in volunteering for our 4th annual PPCT. Needed: 10X10 Tents! We still need coordinators for food, publicity, crowd control, set up/break down, and Business Sponsorships needed. 


6:40 - Announcements and Upcoming Events

  • Our Website:

  • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

  • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighborhood @PanamaParkNeighbors

  • Sheriff’s Watch Meeting (Carolina Oaks 5175 North Main St) April 18 (7:00 PM) 

  • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting April 25 same local, same time.


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Special Guests: Amy Holliman – Neighborhood Coordinator for our city’s Neighborhood Services Office. And Dr. Sirretta Williams, assistant to Councilman Gaffney.

Safety in our neighborhood was discussed and more sidewalk repair needs were given to Dr. Williams who will take them to Public Works Dpt.

Special Guest Amy Holliman shared about CPAC and many tips on how to work with the city to get things done.

Next Clean Up Day Scheduled for Wednesday, May 15th – watch NextDoor for details. Please report any blight to the city. Call: 630-CITY; Go online at  Email:  or the app: fight-blight in “MyJax” app

Panama Park Come Together #4 will be May 18 –  We need volunteers, 10X10 tents and sponsors.  Please see our web site for details or call Shavali Lansford at 609-8484 or Roxie McLeod 515-7944  

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