5th Annual Panama Park Come Together
Saturday, June 4, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Panama Park (6912 Buffalo Ave.)
-For the each neighbor to come out to meet each other over food and fun
-Strengthen the community by building friendships
-Learn of services and skills that will strengthen our whole neighborhood.
We Need Your Help
(scroll down to see donation and volunteer needs)
If you choose to make a financial contribution, our budget is $4,000
If you donate:
Your donation is tax deductible
You will be recognized in our promotion materials website, flyers, and during the event.
You can have a FREE Table May 16th to share what your business has to offer our neighborhood!
Venmo: @PanamaPark
Gift Certificates or baskets for door prizes
Our 5th Panama Park Come Together will be on Saturday, May 21, 2022. Nearby Businesses and churches will be hosting this neighborhood-wide event at our own Panama Park on Buffalo Ave. and 59th (6912 Buffalo Ave) starting at 5:00 PM. There will be free food, sports, games, and more. This year we are expecting over 500 neighbors. And already have many sponsors:
Financial Donation:
By mail: 8029 Buffalo Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32208
checks made to
“Panama Park Community Development Corporation”
We need YOU! Volunteers to help with:
Face painting
Sports organizing
Playground supervision
Bouncy house supervision
Food serving
Set up and Clean up
We need Stuff:
Sports equipment (tennis, baseball, basketball, etc.)
Tents, Tables, Chairs
Trash cans
Bouncy Houses
Other Costs:
Hamburgers, buns, fixings -------------------- 900.00
Hot dogs, buns, fixings ------------------------- 600.00
Soft drinks for 500 ------------------------------ 475.00
Water for 500 times two ------------------------ 225.00
Popcorn – Snow Cones ------------------------- 150.00
Serving bowls, foil, gloves, and trash bags ------ 150.00
Rent - Bouncy houses, face painting, etc ---- 1,200.00
Other costs like park permit and advertisement 800.00
Total Budget is --------------------------------- 4,500.00